Isn't She Lovely............Papa's Got a Brand New Bag - Part 2

Executive Summary (I'm still trying not to waste your time😎) 1) I'll grind through the design considerations for the bag; then 2) There will be a light touch step-by-step discussion of building the bag; and finally 3) There will be some lessons learned in use, and improvements for Rev.1. Isn't She Lovely....Papa's Got A Brand New Bag - Part 2 This time, with apologies to Stevie Wonder, of course. Having established that I need a custom antenna bag, I did what any sane person does when confronted by a similar set of circumstances. Plan A - I tried to find someone else to do the job for free. I hoped a dinner gift card or a couple of tickets to something might free up the skill set I needed. But there's an old saying about if you hope in one hand, and do something else in the other, see which fills up first..... On to plan B. DIY is cool. I'll become a Maker, and learn to do it myself. About three months passed while I watched You Tube videos, bought an inexpe...