Winter Field Day: The Nearly Universal Radio Carrier Revisited

Executive Summary : Yeah, I promised we'd finished beating this radio carrier dead horse. Don't despair, the next entry will be a pretty slick little equitorial tracking head for your satellite antenna that works on the very light and hikeable Buddy Stick Pro tripod. Or many other things. But today it's radio carrier again. I'll keep it short and share a just a few words about how the carrier worked for Winter Field Day. Bottom line: The carrier worked really well, everything else, not so much. WFD I'll be honest. I don't operate Winter Field Day to score points. It's cold. But every year I use it to stress test whatever portable ops projects I've developed over the year. If it works in winter, it's probably good to go. A possible exception is hot, rainy weather, but let's leave that for next month at ZF. The carrier was tested a lot this summer and performed as it should. But for this winter, I wanted to backpack ...